Ma'ah - A female spirit (kermode) bear in the Great Bear Rainforest.
Buffalo Berries - A grizzly bear feasting on buffalo berries in the Canadian Rockies.
Creekside - An adult black bear waits patiently for pink salmon at a small creek in the Great Bear Rainforest.
Rush - A spirit (kermode) bear races down a log into a stream in the hopes of catching a salmon.
Crossing - A large male grizzly bear (boar) crosses a roadway in the Canadian Rockies.
Summer Days - A black bear rests among tall grasses.
Isle - A spirit (kermode) bear in her environment.
Upright - A curious grizzly bear cub in the Canadian Rockies.
King of the Khutzeymateen - A large male grizzly bear (boar) resting in the Khutzeymateen estuary, British Columbia.
Barnacles - A spirit bear explores the shore looking for mussels and barnacles to feast on.
Wrestling - Two grizzly bear cubs tussle with one another.
Boar - A large black bear on the move in the Canadian Rockies.
Balance Beam - A spirit (kermode) bear crosses a log while searching for food along the coastline.
Immersion - A male grizzly bear swims in an estuary in the Great Bear Rainforest, British Columbia.
Markings - A black bear with white chest markings in the Canadian Rockies.
Emergence - A spirit (kermode) bear appears through the trees in the Great Bear Rainforest, British Columbia.
Home - A grizzly bear relaxes in his beautiful home: the Khutzeymateen in British Columbia.
Gentle Spirit - A female spirit (kermode) bear in the Great Bear Rainforest, British Columbia.
Grizzly Family - A grizzly bear sow and two of her cubs feasting on buffalo berries.
Fishing - A spirt (kermode) bear attempting to catch a salmon in a creek in the Great Bear Rainforest.
North Coast Grizzly - A grizzly bear makes her way along a stretch of coastline in the Ksi X'anmaas Conservancy, British Columbia.
Sedge - A grizzly bear feasting on sedge grass in the Great Bear Rainforest.
Stripes - A spirt (kermode) bear pauses momentarily along a beautiful cliff face in the Great Bear Rainforest, British Columbia.
Estuary - A grizzly bear swims through the estuary in the Khutzeymateen, British Columbia.