Coyotes & Foxes
Sharing Secrets - A swift fox vixen and one of her kits in the Canadian Prairies.
In the Woods - An adult coyote in a wooded area in the Canadian Rockies.
Innocence - A red fox kit outside her den in Alberta, Canada.
Snowfall - An adult red fox in lightly falling snow in the Canadian Rockies.
From the Shadows - A coyote pup steps into the sunlight from the entrance to her urban den.
Greeting - A red fox kit greets her mother outside her den in Alberta, Canada.
Rolling - An adult coyote rolls in fresh snow in the Canadian Rockies.
Swift Fox Family - A swift fox vixen and two of her kits outside their den in the Canadian Prairies.
Listen - An adult red fox listens for signs of prey beneath the snow.
Playtime - A red fox vixen reunites with two of her kits outside their den.
Wrap - An adult red fox curls up to rest in freshly fallen snow.
Thistles - An adult red fox in summer.
Lookouts - A family of swift fox in the Alberta Prairies.
Stash - An adult red fox sits next to a cache site in the Canadian Rockies.
Neighbour - A coyote pup emerges from her den under a city home in Calgary, Alberta.
Follow Me - A swift fox vixen heads out on a hunt with a kit in tow (the kit soon ventured back to the den).